14 November 2013

A Quick Update from Eurochild's Annual Conference

Here is a photo of two members of  Cyprus Children's Parliament giving a presentation yesterday, at Eurochild's Annual Conference:

This morning, all attendees of the conference will go to a study visit. Mine will be to the Milan Municipality to hear about their project to develop Children Councils in the nine districts of the city.

I wanted to tweet updates from the conference but my connection just would not cooperate yesterday! I'll try again today (from: @_Catti). Other people did not seem to have the same problem and were able to tweet, and you can follow the conference on twitter via the hashtag: #ac2013milan. 

I will write more fully about some of the great ideas I have heard so far, about protecting and promoting the child's right to participation, once I have a more reliable connection!


  1. I hope your connection comes back soon! :)

    1. Thank you! It hasn't been great so far, but maybe it will work tomorrow! Hope all is good with you :)
